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How to define Eloquent relationship in Laravel

I have two models - the User model and the Movie model for the following tables

The user table has the following columns

  • id
  • age

The movie table has the following columns

  • id
  • min_age

How do I define a relationship on the User model such that for each user, I am able to get all the movies which follow the constraint:

Movie.min_age <= User.age

I know that I can just query the Movie model and get all movies having min_age less than or equal to the age of the User. My question is that how can this be achieved by defining an Eloquent relationship inside the User model using the functions like hasMany() or belongsToMany() ?

So a user can watch many movies. At the same time a movie can be watched from many users at the same time.

On User.php

public function movies(){

   return $this->hasMany(Movie::class);

On Movie.php

public function users(){
  return $this->belongsToMany(User::class);

To get what you are looking for through relationship you do something like this;

Let us say that you have a auth system set as well.

$user = Auth::user();

$getMovies = $user->movies()->where('min_age','<=',$user->age)->get();

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