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Backbone collection add event not firing

I am writing a slightly modified version of the Backbone Todos app commonly found online, using books instead. My Backbone version is 1.3.3. Like the example, for now I am just trying to display a book title added by the user in an input list. My code (partial) is given below:

app.BookList = Backbone.Collection.extend({
  model: app.Book,
  // For temp use, to be replaced with URL
  localStorage: new Backbone.LocalStorage('BookList')

app.bookList = new app.BookList();

app.AppView = Backbone.View.extend({
  el: '#app',

  initialize: () => {
    this.input = this.$('#book-name');
    app.bookList.on('change', this.addOneBook, this);

  events: {
    'keypress #book-name': 'createNewBookModel'

  addOneBook: (book) => {
    console.log('BOOK: ', book);
    const b = new app.BookView({ model: book });

  createNewBookModel: (e) => {
    if (e.which === 13) {
        app.bookList.create({ title: this.input.val().trim() });


app.appView = new app.AppView();

My problem is the addOneBook event is not firing, after the createNewBookModel event has fired and completed. My understanding (reading this - http://backbonejs.org/#Collection-create ), is that creating a model will trigger an add event on the collection. I tried using bind instead of on , but that didn't work. I also tried this.listenTo in place of on , but that threw an error, saying, this.listenTo is not defined. Please help. Thanks!

I've never made extensive use of ES6 arrow functions , but I think they may be causing you problems here. As I understand it, arrow functions do not bind the this object. While your functions are executing, your this will evaluate to undefined or maybe even the window parent object, but I think you want it to evaluate to the backbone object.

Try replacing:

initialize: () => {
  // ...


initialize: function() {
  // ...

and similar for your other methods. I think that will clear up a lot of problems.

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