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Shiny - Plotly Time Series and dateRangeInput

I've got a Shiny dashboard with an Plotly time series, the range of which is adjusted via a reactive dateRangeInput I put together (please see code below).

Everything was working fine, but then I updated my packages. Since then, the variables do not automatically show in the first instance, you have to choose the date ranges instead of the plot loading in with a default time range.

What's more the dateRangeInput is using strange language such as monate, tueate, wedate etc.

I need some help to establish what my issue may be.

Session info

Prior to the update I was using Plotly 3.6.0, shinyDashboard 0.5.1 and shiny 0.13.2.

After the update I am using Plotly 4.5.6, shinyDashboard 0.5.3 and shiny 0.14.2

Please see the respective code below

ui - plotlyOuput Time Series code

box(width = 8, 
    solidHeader = TRUE, 
    plotlyOutput("Time_Ser", height ="300px"))

ui - dateRangeInput code

              label = h4("Time Series: select dates"),
              start = "2017-05-02",
              end = "2017-07-30", 
              min = "2017-05-02",
              max = "2017-06-30", 
              startview = "2017-06-30")

server - Reactive input code

        Time2 <- Time
                 reactiveTime <- reactive({
                 Time2 %>% filter(Date.received>=input$date[1] & 

server - output

       output$Time_Ser <- renderPlotly({
                          Time_Ser <- plot_ly(reactiveTime(), 
                          x = ~Date.received, 
                          y = ~n, 
                          type = "scatter", 
                          mode = "lines") %>%
                          layout(title = "Enquiries Time Series")

Supporting images



Try using something like the following for your dateRangeInput . I can't explain why your code worked before, but note that startview should be a categorical string, you can specify date format shown (to overwrite the fact that it seems to be defaulting to DD ), and you can force language (but shouldn't actually need to).

dateRangeInput("date", "Date:", 
          label = h4("Time Series: select dates"),
          start = "2016-05-02",
          end = "2016-12-31",
          min = "2016-01-01",
          max = "2016-12-31",
          startview = "year",
  • Note that the dates in the above apply to some dummy data I created for testing purposes.

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