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How to hide ghost image in reactjs drag event?

I'm using onDrag method in react js. I want to happen drag while i'm dragging the image, but I don't want to show the ghost image. I used css "-webkit-user-drag:none", but it is completely prevent the drag functionality. I want both to work in same time.

Sample code,

                    style={{ left: `${pixels}px` }}
                    onDragEnd={this.dragOn.bind(this, 'end')}

First create a small transparent image in componentDidMount :

componentDidMount() {
  this.dragImg = new Image(0,0);
  this.dragImg.src =

Then in your handler for onDragStart :

handleOnDragStart = e => {
  e.dataTransfer.setDragImage(this.dragImg, 0, 0);

Note: You have to call the setDragImage method in the onDragStart handler. It won't work in the method used for onDrag .

In the documentation for the html5 drag-and-drop standard here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTML_Drag_and_Drop_API/Drag_operations#dragfeedback

you can see how to change this translucent image it appears under the cursor. You can set to something more discrete image (or canvas) or even to a blank image like a new Image()

event.dataTransfer.setDragImage(new Image(), 0, 0);

but I would advise against using a blank image since you need some sort of visual cue for the drag-and-drop.

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