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Excel can't find path in macro

I'm having problem with macro which I've created to extract *.xml - excel table to chart on website. It was working all the time but after a while I'm not able to run it.

Problem is with line below:

 Open path & "\xml_js\" & fileName For Output As 1

Macro is working perfectly fine when file is stored localy for example on my desktop but problem is when I'm trying to open it from mapped drive (sharepoint 2010). It is working when I'm using my colleague computer (W7 + O2007) but not on mine (W7 + O2013).

I'm getting error below:

Run-time error '52':
Bad file name or number

52 is exactly Open path & (...) As 1 line

The rest of the code:

Sub generateRegionsFile()

  Dim fileName As String: fileName = "XXXXXX_Regions.xml"
  Dim path As String: path = ThisWorkbook.path

  Dim rowNum As Long: rowNum = 2
  Dim jsIndex As Long: jsIndex = 0

  Open path & "\xml_js\" & fileName For Output As 1

  Cells(15, 16).Select

  Do Until ActiveCell.Value = ""
    NoOfStatuses = NoOfStatuses + 1
    ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
'Chart header
  Print #1, "<chart caption='No. of Items' subcaption='per Region' xaxisname='Region' yaxisname='Number of Region' showsum='0' numberprefix='' palette='3' rotatenames='0' animation='1'  basefont='Arial' basefontsize='12' useroundedges='' legendborderalpha='0' canvasbgalpha='0' bgcolor='#fffefe' bgalpha='50' plotgradientcolor='' showplotborder='0' showborder='0' showlegend='0'>"
  Print #1, ""
  Print #1, "   <categories>"

  Cells(15, 16).Select

    For x = 1 To NoOfStatuses
    Print #1, "       <category label='" & ActiveCell.Value & "' />"
    ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select


  Print #1, "   </categories>"
  Print #1, "   <dataset seriesname='Number of items'>"
  Cells(15, 17).Select
  For x = 1 To NoOfStatuses
  Print #1, "       <set value='" & ActiveCell.Value & "' />"
        ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select

  Print #1, "   </dataset>"

  Print #1, "</chart>"

  Close #1

End Sub

Write this before the error:

debug.print  path & "\xml_js\" & fileName

You would see what you are trying to open. Probably your path is false or you are missing \\\\ or something else.

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