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Uncaught (in promise): Error: No provider for String

I am new to angular2 and i am stuck with this error. I have a class like this

export class VehicleDetails {
    constructor(private policynumber: string, private vinnumber: string) {
        this.policyNumber = policynumber,
            this.vinNumber = vinnumber
    policyNumber: string;
    vinNumber: string;

and another class like this

export class Policy {
    constructor() {
    emailAddress: string;
    vehicleDetails: VehicleDetails[]

i have imported my class in the modules like this

import { Policy } from './models/Policy';
import { VehicleDetails } from './models/VehicleDetails';
  declarations: [
  imports: [
      { enableTracing: true } // <-- debugging purposes only
  providers: [Policy, VehicleDetails],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

when i comment my constructor in the VehicleDetails class everything works fine, but when i use the contructor, i start to get this error. how to resolve this error, i have two string parameter in the constructor because i would like to add the values dynamically .

my error is this


What i want to achieve constructing the VehicleDetails class like this is

    this.policy.vehicleDetails.push(new VehicleDetails('valueA1','valueA2'));
    this.policy.vehicleDetails.push(new VehicleDetails('valueB1','valueB2'));
    this.policy.vehicleDetails.push(new VehicleDetails('valueC1','valueC2'));

so, i am getting the value dynamically and i want to bind the values to the model as explained in the above code

DI can't create an instance of VehicleDetails because it doesn't have any information about what to pass for private policynumber: string, private vinnumber: string

What you can do is to use the @Inject() decorator

constructor(@Inject('policy') private policynumber: string, @Inject('vin') private vinnumber: string) {

and provide the values like

providers: [Policy, VehicleDetails, {provide: 'policy', useValue: 'abc'}, {provide: 'vin', useValue: 'def'}],

You dont need the @Injectable decorator according to your question update. Change your VehicleDetails to this:

export class VehicleDetails {
    constructor(policynumber: string, vinnumber: string) {
        this.policyNumber = policynumber,
            this.vinNumber = vinnumber
    policyNumber: string;
    vinNumber: string;

and remove VehicleDetails from your AppModule providers.

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