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Symfony 3 SonataAdmin show a “Sonata_type_collection” field a readonly in Form edit

I have a "Sonata_type_collection" field that only the owner can edit , and i want that the admin can only read this attribute ( he can edit other attributes). I couldn't find anything but this :

$formMapper->add('commandeElements', 'sonata_type_collection', array('required'=> true,'by_reference' => false,'attr' => array(
            'readonly' => true,
            'disabled' => true
        )), array(
        'edit' => 'inline',
        'inline' => 'table',
        'sortable' => 'position',

it works somehow , the attribute can't be edited(when the form is submitted an error message is shown) but the button "add" and the checkbox "delete" still and a dropdown can be edited at least in the view .

is there a way to do this ?

you can hide the buttons using btn_add = false in the options array


but I will probably try to check in the frontend with twig, check if the user has certain role {% if is_granted('ROLE_ADMIN') %} ... {% endif %} and enable or disable the form component.

I will probably do...

{% set disabled = !is_granted('ROLE_YOU_WANT_TO_ALLOW') %} // in your case ROLE_OWNER

and then when rendering try something like...

{{ form_row(yourForm.yourCollectionName, {
                    'disabled': disabled
                }) }}

Take as an example the twig template reference


That's an idea that may let you do what you want

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