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Excel - Select only cells in column(38) from selected rows

I have a 10k rows selected in my spreadsheet. Now I need to narrow down that selection to only the cells in column 38 from the previous selection.

I have almost zero experience with VBA but the macro I used to select the rows was

Sub selectwholerow()
End Sub

So I guess what I'm looking for sort of along the lines of

Sub selectcolumn()
End Sub

But I have no clue really.

Sub selectcolumn()
    Intersect(ActiveSheet.Columns(38), Selection.EntireRow).Select
End Sub

If you just want to Select the intersection, you could use:

Intersect(Selection.EntireRow, Columns(38)).Select

If you want to do something else with that specified range, then you could use a function to return it:

Function Col38(ByRef r As Range) As Range
    Set Col38 = Intersect(r.EntireRow, Columns(38))
End Function

Then use something like:

Sub Test()
End Sub

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