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User Profile Page - PHP

I have an issue that I made a php code and I made a registration system, now, I have successfully made a user page which is like ( ?id=1 )

But if I view ?id=2 it still shows data for user id=1 (me) How can i solve that?

And how can i hide the Edit profile button for userid2 if I am not userid2 ?


 <? session_start(); include 'db.php'; $iDD = $_SESSION['id']; ?> <a href="home.php?id=<?php echo $iDD;?>">edit user Login</a><br><br> <?php $DOO = $_GET['id']; $SEL= $con->prepare("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=:id"); $SEL->execute(array( 'id' => $iDD )); $data = $SEL->fetchall(); foreach ($data as $row){ echo "your username:".$row['user']."<br>"; echo "your user password:".$row['pass']."<br>"; echo "your user id:".$row['id']."<br>"; } ?> 

Change as follows;

 'id' => $DOO

You can use an if statement like this:

<?php if ($iDD == 1): ?>
    <a href="home.php?id=<?php echo $iDD;?>">edit user Login</a><br><br>
<?php endif ?>

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