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How to execute a js function onload?

Below is a fully functional and working code . When I copy paste it to a text file testFile.html and then open it with a browser it works fine.

But I want the selectCollege function to execute right after the initViz function

I tried this

<body onload="initViz();selectCollege('Engineering');"> . . .

But it didn't work. How can I make the selectCollege function to execute right after the initViz ?

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <title>Select Marks</title>

    <script type="text/javascript" 

    <script type="text/javascript">
        var viz, sheet;

        function initViz() {
            var containerDiv = document.getElementById("vizContainer"),
                url = "http://public.tableau.com/views/RegionalSampleWorkbook/College",
                options = {
                    "Academic Year": "",
                    hideTabs: true,
                    onFirstInteractive: function () {
                        sheet = viz.getWorkbook().getActiveSheet();

            viz = new tableau.Viz(containerDiv, url, options);

        function selectCollege(college_name) {
            sheet.selectMarksAsync("College", college_name, tableau.SelectionUpdateType.REPLACE);


<body onload="initViz();">
    <div id="vizContainer"></div>
    <br />    
    <button onclick="selectCollege('Engineering');">Select a value</button>



Create a new function

function init(){

Then call the init function

window.onload = init;

  function initViz(college_name) { //your code viz = new tableau.Viz(containerDiv, url, options); //then selectCollege('engineering'); } function selectCollege(college_name) { sheet.selectMarksAsync("College", college_name, tableau.SelectionUpdateType.REPLACE); } 

Use it like this

This works for me

 function bar() { alert("bar"); } function foo() { alert("foo"); } 
 <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body onload="bar();foo();"> </body> </html> 

In selectCollege() you are attempting to access sheet before it is defined in the callback function from the tableau.Viz options object, namely onFirstInteractive() . In order to solve this, you can call the function after defining sheet in that function:

options = {
  onFirstInteractive: function () {
    sheet = viz.getWorkbook().getActiveSheet();

And according to this forum , onFirstInteractive() will be called once when your instance of tableau.Viz is first rendered.

... All other tags..
//just before closing body


Call your function just before closing body within a script tag.

HTML tree interpreted sequentially. So that's how I add loading message for SPAs.

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