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Add data to existing excel file using python

I am trying to add data to an existing excel file, the problem I am facing is that the data is getting imported but the equation and the format is being deleted in original file.

I attached my code below

import xlwt
import xlrd
from xlutils.copy import copy

#open the excel file

#make a writable copy of the opened excel file

#read the first sheet to write to within the writable copy

#write or modify the value at 2nd row first column

#the last step saving the work book

You need to set formatting_info to true

rb=xlrd.open_workbook('Voltage_T.xlsx', formatting_info = True)

However xlrd doesn't support xlsx with formatting_info at the moment. So if you really have to use .xlsx you will need another library.

I didn't used it myself so I can't tell you if it's a good library but thanks to a quick search on google XlsxWriter seems to answer your needs.

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