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jQuery function to change value of “value” attribute on html element

Is there a way to use something like $(".class").change(function(){ or $("#id").change(function(){ , but to change the value the value attribute of an option element like so?

    <option value="changeThis">opt</option>

I'm using a for loop to generate each option of a select list from a relational database, so I need to have a function to automatically increment the value so they're unique.

New code:

<div class="facilitySelection">
    <select name="Facility" class="form-control">
        <option selected disabled>Select a facility...</option>
            var i = 1;

            foreach (var item in Model)
            <option value="@i">@Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.FacilityName</option>

Newer code:

I have a table of Facilities, with an ID and Name field. Now using a foreach loop to use the ID directly from the database rather than generating the number from a variable in the script block, to ensure the ID and Name from the database line up correctly.

<div class="facilitySelection">
    <select id="Facility" name="Facility" class="form-control">
        <option selected disabled>Select a facility...</option>
            foreach(var f in ViewBag.Facilities)
                <option value="@f.Id">@f.Name</option>

You change attributes with the attr function:

$("selector-for-the-option").attr("value", "new value");

You can also use prop because the value of an option element has a reflected property called value ( unlike input elements, where the value property is not the reflected property for the value attribute):

$("selector-for-the-option").prop("value", "new value");

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