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Node.js bcrypt compare returns false for correct password

I'm using bcrypt to hash and compare user passwords, however after i register a new user and then attempt to login, the bcrypt compare function returns false even though the password is correct.

1) Creating a new user

function NewUser(request, reply) {
    let e = decodeURIComponent(request.params.q_email)
    let p = decodeURIComponent(request.params.q_password)

    (yes) => {
        return reply("User already exists")
    (no) => {
        bcrypt.hash(p, 3, (err, hash) => {
            if (err) {
                return reply("Error creating new user")
            } else {
                dbCreateUser(request, reply, e, hash)

function dbCreateUser(request, reply, email, pwdHash) {
    var sql = "INSERT INTO Users(Version, Email, Password, Balance) VALUES (?,?,?,?)"
    var args = [1, email, pwdHash, 0]
    sql = mysql.format(sql, args)
        (err, rows, fields) => {
            if (err) {
                return reply("Error creating new user")
            } else {
                return reply("Successfully created new user")

2) Logging in

function dbLogin(request, reply, yes, no) {
    let e = decodeURIComponent(request.payload.q_email)
    let p = decodeURIComponent(request.payload.q_password)
    //reply('email: ' + e + ' password: ' + p)

    var sql = "SELECT Password FROM Users WHERE Email = ? LIMIT 1"
    sql = mysql.format(sql, e)

        (err, rows, fields) => {
            if (err) {
                throw err
            } else {
                if (rows.length == 0) {
                    reply("email not found")
                } else {
                    bcrypt.compare(p, rows[0].Password, (err, res) => {
                        if (res == true) {
                            reply("correct password")
                            //dbCreateSession(request, reply, yes, no)
                        } else if (res == false){
                            reply("incorrect password: " + p + " " + rows[0].Password)
                        else {
                            reply("neither true nor false")

I have created a user with email "hello" and password "world" and running the following query

SELECT Email, Password FROM `Users` WHERE Email = 'hello'

returns the following

hello   $2a$04$JwaMtM577eqLRNd0m5tbTewP1IxBMSAwyW9kczPjOPjDgu9I

however when i attempt to login i get the following (custom response)

incorrect password: world $2a$04$JwaMtM577eqLRNd0m5tbTewP1IxBMSAwyW9kczPjOPjDgu9I

Can anyone see where i am going wrong?

I've been staring at the screen for too long!

The problem was the Password field in the database was being truncated (55 chars instead of 60)



Maybe you ended up with an invalid hash, try to generate the hash with bcrypt also :

bcrypt.hash(myPlaintextPassword, saltRounds, function(err, hash) {
  // Store hash in your password DB. 

You can then try to check in a simple manner if the hash you have in the db matches a hardcoded version of the input you will be using ( password variable: p as a string 'world' )

bcrypt.compare('world', hash, function(err, result) {
 if (err) { throw (err); }

If it works (it probably will), then try to do the same with the input from the request.

You should get more insight in what is going wrong.

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