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Is there a realtime apache/php console similar to webrick or mongrel with ruby on rails?

Is there a realtime apache/php console similar to webrick or mongrel with ruby on rails?

I want to be able to monitor what the heck my server is doing.


but I don't want to grep the log


There is a really simple way: instead of monitoring the access.log apache2 file or the mongrel one, you can simple tail the production.log file and you will get the exact same behavior of webrick. So a solution is:

tail -f /your/project/path/log/production.log

There's always gdb and strace/dtrace. There's also the xdebug module but its not real time.

You can use the following command in your application directory:

mongrel_rails start -B 

This starts it in debug mode and gives you all the requests just like Webrick. Yes, including all those 'puts' statements.

I believe FirePHP might be somewhat equivalent to what your looking for.

Simple Example:

 FB::log('Log message');
 FB::info('Info message');
 FB::warn('Warn message');
 FB::error('Error message');

(source: firephp.org )

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ApacheTop可能并没有完全满足您的要求,但是以防万一..而且您可能会发现它很有用:)它基本上类似于UNIX top,但适用于Apache。

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