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How to convert a CSV string(RDD) to DataFrame in pySpark?

I have a CSV string which is an RDD and I need to convert it in to a spark DataFrame.

I will explain the problem from beginning.

I have this directory structure.

 Csv_files (dir)
    |- A.csv
    |- B.csv
    |- C.csv

All I have is access to Csv_files.zip, which is in a hdfs storage.

I could have directly read if each file was stored as A.gz, B.gz ... But it I have files within a directory which is compressed.

With the help of an answer on SO ( How to open/stream .zip files through Spark? ), I was able to convert this zip file in to a dictionary.

d = {
    'A.csv':'A,B,C\n1,2,3\n4,5,6 ...'
    'B.csv':'A,B,C\n7,8,9\n1,2,3 ...'

Now I should convert this csv_string 'A,B,C\\n1,2,3\\n4,5,6 ...' to a dataframe. I tried this,

How can I efficiently convert csv_string to a meaningful dataframe ?

My Spark version is 1.6.2 and python 2.6.6.

You first have to split your dicts according to some csv compliant rules. For the example here, I will only use a split with newlines but you should pay attention to newlines inside values (spark 2.2 supports multilines csv records)

(scala code)

// original data as shown in the example
val d: Map[String, RDD[String]] = ...

// flatmap lines
val newRDDs: List[RDD[String]] = d.map(curRDD => {
    // Split csv into multiple lines and drop header

// Beware, this can be extremely costly if you have too many rdds.
val unionAll: RDD[String] = sc.union(newRDDs)

// Finally, create df from rows.
// In spark 2.2, you would do something like spark.read.csv(spark.createDataset(unionAll))
// In spark < 2.x, you need to parse manually to classes (or Row) and then sqlContext.createDataFrame(parsedRows)

NB: Code above has not been compile/tested and is here only to illustrate the idea.

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