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How to bind Xtended WPF Toolkit Wizard's CurrentPage in MVVM?

I've built a wizard of several pages using Xceed WPF Toolkit's Wizard Control , and I need the program to know what page is currently active, in order to be able to determine the necessary steps.

I'm trying to bind CurrentPage to the ViewModel, as follows:


<xctk:Wizard CurrentPage="{Binding CurrentStep, Mode=TwoWay}">
    <xctk:WizardPage Name="Import">


public WizardPage CurrentStep { get; set; }

The problem is that CurrentStep always returns Null and the wizard just shows a blank page.

What needs to be done in order to have CurrentPage return the active wizard page using MVVM?

CurrentStep 应该是一个 DependencyProperty 或者 ViewModel 应该实现 INotifyPropertyChanged,否则绑定将不起作用。


<xctk:Wizard    x:Name="wizMain"
                ItemsSource="{Binding wizardPages}" 
                CanSelectNextPage="{Binding CanProceed, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"
                CurrentPage="{Binding Path=CurrentWizardPage, Mode=TwoWay}"

from the ViewModel:

public WizardPage CurrentWizardPage { get; set; }

HTH, Ray

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