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How to update components props in storybook

I am using storybook ( this ) to play with my components in isolation. I want to mock all the flux cycle (that in the full app it is done with the help of redux ) and update a property using a simple object in the story, but I am missing something.

  storiesOf('Color picker', module).add('base', () => {
    let colorPickerState = {
      changeColor: function(data) {
        this.color = data.color
      color: '#00aced'
    return (

I expect the value prop of <ColorPicker /> to be updated when the onChange is called; I can see the value of colorPickerState.color being updated correctly, but the component does not re-render.

What am I missing?

You can write a dummy-component which will render the real story component inside it, and then you get to have that dummy-component 's state property.

In the below example I'm using knobs addon in a story of a Slider component

    .add('Slider', () => {
        // create dummy component that wraps the Slider and allows state:
        class StoryComp extends React.Component {
            constructor( props ){

                this.state = {
                    value : this.props.value || 0,

            onValueChange = value => this.setState({ value })

                const props = {
                    onValueChange:this.onValueChange, // <--- Reason "StoryComp" is needed
                    value:this.state.value            // <--- Reason "StoryComp" is needed

                return <Slider {...props} />

        // knobs (customaziable props)
        const widthKnobOptions = {
            range : true,
            min   : 200,
            max   : 1500,
            step  : 1

        const props = {
            value : number('value', 200000),
            min   : number('min', 100),
            step  : number('step', 1000),
            max   : number('max', 1000000),
            width : number('width', 700, widthKnobOptions)

        return <StoryComp {...props} />

You can use an addon to achieve this: https://github.com/Sambego/storybook-state

So your code would look like:

import { State, Store } from '@sambego/storybook-state';

const store = new Store({
  value: '#00aced',

storiesOf('Color picker', module).add('base', () => {
  return (
    <State store={store}>
        onChange={(data) => store.set({ value: data.color })}

I would try employing the useState hook from react - updating state values via its setters seems to have the effect of re-rendering your storybook component.

I had a similar problem where my data input form's state and event handling (including complex validation) is done in globally, up a level in the component tree. I was able to get a working demo of this component and its complex validation by writing a simple event handler to pass along to my component.

Do note that my code is in Typescript. I am pretty new to the React world so this might not be perfect.

// Things defined elsewhere: IComponentProps, IValidationResult, IFormInput, EntryForm
// useState and useCallbac comes from react
export const MyComponentDemo = (args: IComponentProps) => {

    const [validations, setValidations] = useState<IValidationResult[]>([]);
    const [theForm, setTheForm] = useState<IFormInput>(
            // set other interesting default form values here

    const dummyValidationMethod = useCallback((form: IFormInput) => {

        let validations : IValidationResult[] = [];

        // Do validation using data from form


    }, []);

    return (

In the latest version (v6) this functionality calls Args . Also you can use argTypes to see action's logs or specify props.

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