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End If/Next C Statement with For Loop / VBA

I have a fairly complex for For Loop with an If Statement inside and another For Loop inside that. And given a certain criteria (Namely If InStr(1, q.Value, "Total") ) inside that second For Loops I would like to just end the entire If Statement and move to the Next C .

I understand that this is layered like an onion and there might not be an easy way out.

For Each C In copyRng

        If IsNumeric(C) And C.Value <> "0" And Len(C) <> 0 And C.Value <> "2017" Then 

            Set rowRange = xSheet.Range(C, C.EntireColumn.Cells(1)) 'set range from cell up to the top cell of the comment/ Fix the 2017 thing

            For Each q In rowRange 'Loop through that range and find the Account number just above it and set it as rowSrc
                If InStr(1, q.Value, "C-") And Not ISIN(C, uniqueVal) Then Set rowSrc = q
                If InStr(1, q.Value, "Total") Then End If 'At this point I want to leave the entire If Statement and move on to the next C
            Next q

            Set colSrc = C.EntireRow.Offset(0).Cells(1) 'find alert connected with the number
            numCol = DestSh.Cells.Find(colSrc.Value, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Column 'look for the column in which the same alert is listed
            numRow = DestSh.Cells.Find(rowSrc.Value, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row 'look for row in which the same account is listed

            'Set destination
            Set destRng = DestSh.Cells(numRow, numCol)

            'Copy to destination Range
            C.Copy destRng

        End If

    Next C

You need Exit For and then after the loop, put the remaining code in yet another If block:

For Each C In copyRng
    If IsNumeric(C) And C.Value <> "0" And Len(C) <> 0 And C.Value <> "2017" Then
        Set rowRange = xSheet.Range(C, C.EntireColumn.Cells(1))

        For Each q In rowRange
            If InStr(1, q.Value, "C-") And Not ISIN(C, uniqueVal) Then Set rowSrc = q
            If InStr(1, q.Value, "Total") Then Exit For ' Exit loop prematurely
        Next q
        If q is Nothing Then ' Skip if loop was exited prematurely
            Set colSrc = C.EntireRow.Offset(0).Cells(1)
            numCol = DestSh.Cells.Find(colSrc.Value, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Column
            numRow = DestSh.Cells.Find(rowSrc.Value, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row

            Set destRng = DestSh.Cells(numRow, numCol)
            C.Copy destRng
        End If
    End If
Next C

Remove each underscore after Then and rewrite the whole code. The logic is changed. Pretty much you do not go to the else the way you think it.

Check this: VBA - How the colon `:` works in VBA code with condition

In general, your code does not work the way you think it works. Check the following:

Public Sub TestMe()

    If 1 = 2 Then _
        Debug.Print "I am true - 1=2"
        Debug.Print "I should be also true"

    If 2 = 3 Then _
        Debug.Print "I am true 2=3"

End Sub

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