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How to change table captions for knitr sql chunks?

Here is a knitr chunk that connects to a database and a sql chunk that runs a query on the database:

```{r dbConnect}
con <- RMySQL::dbConnect(RMySQL::MySQL(), dbname = "test")

```{sql rowsintable, connection=con}
select count(*) from tablename;

I use this document to generate a PDF file. In the pdf document, the table returned by the sql chunk has a caption: "Table 1: 1 records". How can I change this caption?

This question is related, but doesn't use SQL chunks, and it sets the caption inside an R function, not in the knitr chunk options .

You can use the chunk option tab.cap , eg

```{r dbConnect}
con <- RMySQL::dbConnect(RMySQL::MySQL(), dbname = "test")

```{sql rowsintable, connection=con, tab.cap="Here is the caption."}
select count(*) from tablename;

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