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Passing parameters to an event function in a Stateless Functional Component

I have a playlist that I'm trying to bind a keyDown to.. the problem is that I cannot use a typical React.Component as I am using a library ( https://github.com/clauderic/react-sortable-hoc ) that requires me to use a functional Stateless Component (SortableContainer). So I have no way to access props or a state even. I've tried to pass data as a parameter with nothing working..

This works, but I need to pass data to handleKeyDown somehow.. in particular I really want to pass "props" into handleKeyDown somehow

function handleKeyDown(e) {
  // **** I need some way to access outside data in here some how..
  //      whether it's passed as a parameter or any other way

const PlaylistPages = SortableContainer(( props ) => {
  return (
    <div className="playlist-sortable" onKeyDown={handleKeyDown} tabIndex="0">
    // etc

Use arrow function , and pass the props and event object inside handleKeyDown function.

Write it like this:

onKeyDown = { e => handleKeyDown(props, e)}

handleKeyDown(props, e){
   console.log(e.target, props);

I think better way of writing would be:


clickHandler= (passedData) => (e) => {

Arrow functions would cause unnecessary re-renders.

You can pass your parameters to a higher order function which will do the trick for you

function handleKeyDown(passedData) {
    return e => {
        console.log(passedData); // hello

const PlaylistPages = SortableContainer(( props ) => {
  const dataToPass = 'hello'
  return (
    <div className="playlist-sortable" onKeyDown={handleKeyDown(dataToPass)} tabIndex="0">
    // etc

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