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Is there a way to make Visual Studio Code recognize HTML syntax in PHP files

I am using Visual Studio Code on a Mac to work on WordPress applications.

Is there a way to make Visual Studio Code recognize HTML and use it's features (mainly autocompletion) inside PHP files?

I've searched for this answer before but just get told to Go to Visual Studio Code Settings: File >> Preferences >> User Settings

// Place your settings in this file to overwrite the default settings
// Configure file associations to languages (e.g. "*.extension": "html"). These have precedence over the default associations of the languages installed.
     "files.associations": {"*.php": "html"}     

But doing this makes you lose all PHP support and autocompletion.

I wish Microsoft would realize that PHP developers commonly use PHP and HTML together when creating applications/websites. I would love to use VS Code instead of the magnificent but expensive PHP storm if possible.

As far as I can tell, it does. Take a look at this php file I have created in VS Code (no extensions), with HTML inside the file with syntax highlighting for both languages. 在此处输入图片说明

There is a button (It should say the word PHP) in the bottom right corner of the screen that allows you to switch the syntax highlighting and autocompletion to another language, and while this does temporarily turn off PHP syntax, it will allow you to code in HTML a lot easier.

You can enable html support in any language by adding the following to your settings.json file:

"emmet.includeLanguages": {
    "your-language": "html",
    "rust": "html",
    "php": "html",
    "javascript": "html",


Very easy solution


Search emmet in settings and remove php form list列表
This will definitely work for everyone

I also faced this genuine concern while learning PHP, and the only solution I came up with at the moment is clicking on PHP button on bottom right corner of VS Code screen. I am attaching the screenshot below with that PHP button highlighted so you would be able to locate it easily. Once clicked it will ask for a language you want autocomplete to work on, select HTML and it would start autocompleting html, click again to enable PHP autocomplete. I also happened to come across GitHub Pilot Extension, you need to be a student for availing this service for free or you'll have to buy membership, It is a good tool for auto complete although that is not the gist of it's use, It is something great invented for learners and also professional coders.

I used to use PHPEd and it has content-aware autocomplete. It knows the content that your cursor is in: php, html, css, js, etc and suggests tags/attributes/functions/etc based on the language where the cursor is. The entire problem with VSCode is its decidedly unintelligent “intellisense” that relies wholly on what language the document is defined as. Any IDE worth its salt is going to have content aware auto-completion. The only satisfactory answer to your question is make your own snippets and turn off emmet and php auto-completion.

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