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Change Media Object (VBA PowerPoint)

I just want to change the music of a Media Object in PowerPoint using Macros. I have a music in a Slide, but I can't figure out how I can change it to different music. Or is it possible to replace it by a new one but with the same properties...? I tried playing around with following code but I don't know the rest...

Slide3.Shapes("bg_music").MediaFormat. 'code that I don't know to change it's music/media

You're going to need to delete the existing shape and replace it with a new one, copying the properties as needed. This MSDN article enumerates some (all?) of the MediaFormat properties.

Option Explicit

Sub ReplaceMediaFormat()
Dim sld As Slide
Dim newShp As Shape
Dim shp As Shape
Dim mf As MediaFormat
Dim path As String

Set sld = ActivePresentation.Slides(1) '// Modify as needed
Set shp = sld.Shapes("bg_music")
Set mf = shp.MediaFormat

'// Modify the path for your new media file:
path = "C:\Users\david.zemens\Downloads\2540.mp3"

Set newShp = sld.Shapes.AddMediaObject2(path)
With newShp
    .Top = shp.Top
    .Left = shp.Left
    .Width = shp.Width
    .Height = shp.Height
    ' etc...

End With

' // copy the mediaformat properties as needed

With newShp.MediaFormat
    .StartPoint = mf.StartPoint
    .EndPoint = mf.EndPoint
    .FadeInDuration = mf.FadeInDuration
    .FadeOutDuration = mf.FadeOutDuration
    .Muted = mf.Muted
    .Volume = mf.Volume
    ' etc...
End With

'// remove the original

Dim eff As Effect
'// Creates an effect in the timeline which triggers this audio to play when the slideshow begins
Set eff = sld.TimeLine.MainSequence.AddEffect(newShp, msoAnimEffectMediaPlay, trigger:=msoAnimTriggerWithPrevious)

With newShp.AnimationSettings.PlaySettings
    .LoopUntilStopped = msoCTrue
    .PauseAnimation = msoFalse
    .PlayOnEntry = msoCTrue
    .RewindMovie = msoCTrue
    .StopAfterSlides = 999
    .HideWhileNotPlaying = msoTrue
End With

With help from this article , I can get the audio to play automatically by creating an effect (see above Set eff = ... ).

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