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How to change Xamarin.Forms Tab Bar height (iOS)

How to change the height of a Tab Bar in Xamarin.Forms (iOS)? Is it possible with TabbedRenderer?

Yeah this is possible to modify from a CustomRenderer .

You will need to subclass the TabbedPage in the Forms project and use this class to export the render.

Then in the CustomRenderer override the ViewWillLayoutSubviews method. Something like:

public class MyTabbedPageRenderer : TabbedRenderer
    // Modify this variable with the height you desire.
    private readonly float tabBarHeight = 55f;

    public override void ViewWillLayoutSubviews()

        TabBar.Frame = new CGRect(TabBar.Frame.X, TabBar.Frame.Y + (TabBar.Frame.Height - tabBarHeight), TabBar.Frame.Width, tabBarHeight);

Hope this helps.-

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