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Laravel Mix - Dependency was not found (for custom js file)

I'm really fracking tired to struggle with mix thing.. really cannot understand what it is.

I just want to add a piece of script that needs to control my AJAX request. So here's what I do.

  1. I create custom file searchResource.js on resources\\assets\\js directory.
  2. Edit webpack.mix.js file before to after.

     // Before mix .js('resources/assets/js/app.js', 'public/js') // After mix .js([ 'resources/assets/js/app.js', 'resources/assets/js/searchConcepts.js' ], 'public/js') 
  3. On console, run npm run dev .

After this, I got Dependency was not found error and don't have a clue why/where do I specify dependencies for just simple script add.

After extensive search, I think there is something more has to be done but don't know what it is. Further, I believe I can't handle this. Need help..

Obviously, there is a reason why I can't mix things all together in app.js, but still don't know why. However, I've manage to do this anyway.

First, I should use .scripts() method and save my custom script to something like all.js , not app.js .

So, here is my answer.

    .js('.. ')

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