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Excel/Google Sheets: Copying data from one cell upon “ISTEXT” condition to another tab and cell

I'm working on a Google Sheets "Budget" project with data that will be populated via form entries. What I'm trying to accomplish is the following:

I have data entered dynamically in a tab (Debit), If the description in the line entry is "Credit", I want the adjacent cell-value to be placed in another tab/cell.

I have tried many combination of the following all with either errors or not the expected outcome.This may be a case for VBA, of which I have NO experience with.

=IF(Debit!B6="Credit",”'Monthly Budget'!C60”,”Fail”)
=IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH(B6="Credit",C6 'Monthly Budget'!C60))
=IF(B6="Credit",'Monthly Budget'!C60,"")

Please see my screenshot for a visual representation of what I'm trying to accomplish.Thank you in advance. Graphic Breakdown

Your syntax is all wrong. Please learn the correct syntax.

'Monthly Budget'!C60=

=IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH ("Credit",Debit!B6)),Debit!C6)
  • SEARCH syntax

  • DO NOT use “” . Always use "

  • IF Syntax

  • If you want results in a sheet, You do not use need to reference that sheet ( In this case, You don't need to reference monthly budget sheet). But if you want results from a sheet, Then you reference that sheet. Here you need to reference B6 and C6 with a sheet name ( Debit!B6 and Debit!C6 )

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