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PHP-DI inject parameter by name

I am using php-di and Doctrine together. To use Doctrine there is a bootstrap.php file which constructs the $entityManager object. The $entityManager object is defined globally in that file so to use it in my classes I have to inject it.

For example assume the class below:

interface IAccountService{
    function login(string $username, string $password);
class AccountService implements IAccountService {

    private $entityManager;

    public function __construct($entityManager) {
        $this->entityManager = $entityManager;

    public function login(string $email, string $password){
        $q = $this->entityManager->createQueryBuilder()
            ->select('us.id, us.name, us.email, us.passwordHashed')
            ->from('User', 'us')
            ->where('us.email = ?1 AND us.passwordHashed = ?2')
            ->setMaxResults( '1' )
            ->setParameter(2, HASHHELPER::hashPasswordSHA512($password, $email))

        // echo $q->getSql();

        $users = $q->getResult();

        // print_r($users);

        if(!empty($users) && count($users) > 0){
            $_SESSION["USER"] = $users[0];
            return true;
            return false;

But the type of $entityManager is not well defined and either when I call echo gettype($entityManager); it prints "object" as result. So I think I need to inject this parameter by its name instead of its type. I mean something like this:

$container->set('$entityManager', $entityManager);

But this does not work. What's the solution and the best way?

Can you show how are you injecting EntityManager now?

Also, it's a good practice to use type-hinting:

public function __construct(EntityManager $entityManager) {
    $this->entityManager = $entityManager;


Ok, I usually use PHP-DI with a PHP configuration file ( http://php-di.org/doc/php-definitions.html ). It would look something like this:

return [
AccountService::class => DI\object(AccountService::class)->constructor("here goes EntityManager object")

The problem have solved after facing this link which shows the namespace and class name of $entityManager but the question of injecting according to variable name is still open. By now, the new source code of mine is like this:


interface IAccountService{
    function login(string $username, string $password);
class AccountService implements IAccountService {

    private $entityManager;

    public function __construct(Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface $entityManager) {
        $this->entityManager = $entityManager;

    public function login(string $email, string $password){
        $q = $this->entityManager->createQueryBuilder()
            ->select('us.id, us.name, us.email, us.passwordHashed')
            ->from('User', 'us')
            ->where('us.email = ?1 AND us.passwordHashed = ?2')
            ->setMaxResults( '1' )
            ->setParameter(2, HASHHELPER::hashPasswordSHA512($password, $email))

        // echo $q->getSql();

        $users = $q->getResult();

        // print_r($users);

        if(!empty($users) && count($users) > 0){
            $_SESSION["USER"] = $users[0];
            return true;
            return false;


  spl_autoload_register(function ($class_name) {
    switch ($class_name){
      case 'AccountController':
        require_once 'controllers/account_controller.php';
      case 'AccountService':
      case 'IAccountService':
        require_once 'services/account_service.php';
      case 'URLHELPER':
        require_once 'helpers/URLHELPER.php';
      case 'STRINGHELPER':
        require_once 'helpers/STRINGHELPER.php';
      case 'HASHHELPER':
        require_once "helpers/HASHHELPER.php";
      case 'User':
        require_once "models/entities/user.php";

  function call($controller, $action) {
    global $entityManager;
    $container = DI\ContainerBuilder::buildDevContainer();
    $container->set('IAccountService', \DI\object('AccountService'));
    $container->set('Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface', $entityManager);

    // require the file that matches the controller name
    require_once('controllers/' . $controller . '_controller.php');

    // create a new instance of the needed controller
    switch($controller) {
      case 'home':
        $controller = $container->get('HomeController');
      case 'account':
        $controller = $container->get('AccountController');
        $controller = 'home';
        $action = 'index';

    // call the action
    $controller->{ $action }();

  // just a list of the controllers we have and their actions
  // we consider those "allowed" values
  $controllers = array(
    'home' => ['index', 'error']
    ,'account' => ['login']

  // check that the requested controller and action are both allowed
  // if someone tries to access something else he will be redirected to the error action of the pages controller
  if (array_key_exists($controller, $controllers)) {
    if (in_array($action, $controllers[$controller])) {
      call($controller, $action);
    } else {
      call('home', 'error');
  } else {
    call('home', 'error');

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