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Rails 5 app deployed to heroku not sending sendgrid emails in production

Spent yesterday and this morning trying to figure out what's going on. I've got a simple Rails 5 app successfully sending emails using sendgrid from the development rails console but attempting the same thing in heroku deployed production rails console doesn't send email but generates the following error:

Errno::ECONNREFUSED: Connection refused - connect(2) for "localhost" port 25
from (irb):1

More details:

  • ruby 2.3.3
  • rails 5.1.3
  • gem 'sendgrid-ruby', '~> 5.0'


# Load the Rails application.
require_relative 'application'                                

# Initialize the Rails application.                           

Invoicer::Application.configure do 
  # Setup the mailer config                                   
  config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :smtp                
  config.action_mailer.perform_deliveries = true              
  config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = {
    :user_name => ENV['SENDGRID_USERNAME'],                   
    :password => ENV['SENDGRID_PASSWORD'],                    
    :domain => '[myapp].herokuapp.com',
    :address => 'smtp.sendgrid.net',                          
    :port => 587,
    :authentication => :plain,                                
    :enable_starttls_auto => true    


The only email related not commented code is:

# Don't care if the mailer can't send.
config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = false

config.action_mailer.perform_caching = false


The only email related line not commented is:

config.action_mailer.perform_caching = false

In development on my local machine an email is generated.

In Development Rails Console:

>> ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method
=> :smtp
>> InvoiceMailer.invoice_email(Customer.first).delivery_method
  Customer Load (0.6ms)  SELECT  "customers".* FROM "customers" ORDER BY "customers"."id" ASC LIMIT $1  [["LIMIT", 1]]
  Rendering invoice_mailer/invoice_email.html.erb within layouts/mailer
  Rendered invoice_mailer/invoice_email.html.erb within layouts/mailer (0.0ms)
  Rendering invoice_mailer/invoice_email.text.erb within layouts/mailer
  Rendered invoice_mailer/invoice_email.text.erb within layouts/mailer (0.0ms)
InvoiceMailer#invoice_email: processed outbound mail in 17.6ms
=> #<Mail::SMTP:0x007f939b607b48 @settings=    {:address=>"smtp.sendgrid.net", :port=>587, :domain=>"fm-    invoicer.herokuapp.com", :user_name=>"app75430225@heroku.com", :password=>"ms9nps8r7677", :authentication=>:plain, :enable_starttls_auto=>true, :openssl_verify_mode=>nil, :ssl=>nil, :tls=>nil}>

Heroku production no email is sent and I get an error.

In the heroku rails console

$ heroku run rails c
Loading production environment (Rails 5.1.3)
irb(main):001:0> InvoiceMailer.invoice_email(Customer.first).deliver
D, [2017-09-03T14:59:53.803069 #4] DEBUG -- :Customer Load (7.2ms)      SELECT  "customers".* FROM "customers" ORDER BY "customers"."id" ASC LIMIT     $1  [["LIMIT", 1]]
I, [2017-09-03T14:59:53.863967 #4]  INFO -- :Rendering     invoice_mailer/invoice_email.html.erb within layouts/mailer
I, [2017-09-03T14:59:53.864680 #4]  INFO -- :Rendered invoice_mailer/invoice_email.html.erb within layouts/mailer (0.6ms)
I, [2017-09-03T14:59:53.865742 #4]  INFO -- :Rendering invoice_mailer/invoice_email.text.erb within layouts/mailer
I, [2017-09-03T14:59:53.866329 #4]  INFO -- :Rendered invoice_mailer/invoice_email.text.erb within layouts/mailer (0.4ms)
D, [2017-09-03T14:59:54.087932 #4] DEBUG -- : InvoiceMailer#invoice_email: processed outbound mail in 232.7ms
I, [2017-09-03T14:59:54.101584 #4]  INFO -- : Sent mail to XXX@gmail.com (13.4ms)
D, [2017-09-03T14:59:54.102047 #4] DEBUG -- : Date: Sun, 03 Sep 2017 14:59:54 +0000
From: XXX@gmail.com
To: XXX@gmail.com
Message-ID: <59ac18ea16bd6_451d0d888799@f74404ed-7ea9-41ff-9b05-715d2a185bf4.mail>
Subject: XXXXX Website Monthly Invoice - August-2017
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Content-Type: text/plain; 
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Dear XXX

Attached please find your monthly invoice.

CrazyJ Media ;-)

Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
      /* Email styles need to be inline */

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta content='text/html; charset=UTF-8' http-equiv='Content-Type' />
    <p>Dear XXX,</p>
    <p>Attached please find the latest monthly invoice.</p>
    <p>Best,<br>XXX<br>Crazy J Media</p>



Errno::ECONNREFUSED: Connection refused - connect(2) for "localhost" port 25
    from (irb):1

Also in Heroku Rails Console:

irb(main):001:0> ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method
=> :smtp
irb(main):002:0>     InvoiceMailer.invoice_email(Customer.first).delivery_method
D, [2017-09-13T22:42:58.951166 #4] DEBUG -- :   Customer Load (2.8ms)      SELECT  "customers".* FROM "customers" ORDER BY "customers"."id" ASC LIMIT     $1  [["LIMIT", 1]]
I, [2017-09-13T22:42:59.037206 #4]  INFO -- :   Rendering     invoice_mailer/invoice_email.html.erb within layouts/mailer
I, [2017-09-13T22:42:59.038316 #4]  INFO -- :   Rendered     invoice_mailer/invoice_email.html.erb within layouts/mailer (0.9ms)
I, [2017-09-13T22:42:59.039720 #4]  INFO -- :   Rendering  invoice_mailer/invoice_email.text.erb within layouts/mailer
I, [2017-09-13T22:42:59.040359 #4]  INFO -- :   Rendered invoice_mailer/invoice_email.text.erb within layouts/mailer (0.5ms)
D, [2017-09-13T22:42:59.413839 #4] DEBUG -- :     InvoiceMailer#invoice_email: processed outbound mail in 405.7ms
=> #<Mail::SMTP:0x0000000575c678 @settings={:address=>"localhost",   :port=>25, :domain=>"localhost.localdomain", :user_name=>nil, :password=>nil, :authentication=>nil, :enable_starttls_auto=>true, :openssl_verify_mode=>nil, :ssl=>nil, :tls=>nil}>

Anyone have any ideas? I've studied Heroku's sendgrid ruby docs as well as several SO questions and answers like this one but to no avail. I've restarted my heroku server and my sendgrid account linked to this app is working and recording email sent from development.

Much positive karma being sent in advance to anyone with any insight!

The error shows that it's configured to send email using the SMTP server at localhost port 25, which would indicate that your config isn't being used!

When Rails.application.initialize! runs in production, ActionMailer is eager-loaded and configured with the settings it has been given at that moment. In your case it looks like that means it's using default values, as your own config isn't set until later.

You can resolve this by simply setting the config before initializing the app; either re-order your environment.rb so that config happens first, or move the ActionMailer config to application.rb or an environment-specific config (environments/production.rb, for example).

您可能应该将Action Mailer配置移动到config / environments / production.rb和/或检查是否有任何内容覆盖此文件中的设置。

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