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AutoLS for fish shell

I have an auto-ls script in my conf.d directory

function __autols_hook --description "Auto ls" --on-event fish_prompt
  if test "$__autols_last" != (pwd)
    if test "$HOME" = (pwd)
      clear; ls;
      # Show git information, and if it's not a git repo, throw error
      # into /dev/null. Simples
      git status 2>/dev/null
  set  -g __autols_last (pwd)

This works very well. However, I'd also like this to trigger when I hit enter, in the same pwd, but with no command.

I can't find a way to check if the enter key was pressed but no command

Change the binding for the [enter] key:

bind \cm 'set -l cmd (commandline); test -z "$cmd"; and set -g _empty_command yes; or set -g _empty_command no; commandline -f execute'

Now you can test $_empty_command in your fish_prompt event function. Note that [ctrl-j] also invokes the execute command so you should probably also bind \\cj to the same code. But that's optional unless you have an unusual terminal config.

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