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Reactjs redux-form fields - custom checkbox/radiobox component - bug in initial checked

I am working on a custom radiobutton/checkbox component -- based off the renderField. The component appears to render fine, but when I've added a "checked" parameter to this it breaks. The field is selected correctly - but when toggling options it looks like it tries to force check the old item.



import React from 'react'

const renderField = ({input, label, type, meta: {touched, error, warning}}) => (
  <div className='field'>
      {touched &&
      {touched &&
          error &&
            <span className="error">
              : {error}
            </span>) ||
          warning &&
            <span className="warning">
              : {warning}
      <input {...input} placeholder={label} type={type} />

export default renderField

here is the new field -- the markup is different to the standard input fields.



import React from 'react'
import _ from 'underscore';

function renderRadioCheckField({input, label, type, checked, meta: {touched, error, warning}}) {
  const randId = _.uniqueId('radiocheck_');

  return (
    <div className='field'>
        <input {...input} placeholder={label} type={type} id={randId} checked={checked} />
        <label className="group-label" htmlFor={randId}>

export default renderRadioCheckField


on my form component I am importing these in and calling them as such

  <Field name="test" type="text" component={renderField}  label="test" />

  <Field name="radio-group1" type="radio" component={renderRadioCheckField} value="check1" label="Apple2" />
  <Field name="radio-group1" type="radio" component={renderRadioCheckField} value="check2" label="Peach2" checked="true" />
  <Field name="radio-group1" type="radio" component={renderRadioCheckField} value="check3" label="Orange2" />

  <Field name="check-group1" type="checkbox" component={renderRadioCheckField} value="check1" label="Yes" />
  <Field name="check-group1" type="checkbox" component={renderRadioCheckField} value="check2" label="No" checked="true" />

Don't use the checked="true" . Instead do following in your componentDidMount() method of React Redux Form component.

        const {radio-group1} = this.props;

        //Sets initial default checked value

You can do same for checkboxes.

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