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Express.js Avoid reload the whole page

currently I have no solution for a site which I am trying to build. The page is not that big but I want to achieve that the complete site does not reload when I am opening a new tab in the navbar. I am using express.js and mustache as the template engine. My goal is, that only the content reloads and not the whole site including the Navbar.

Do I have to use Ajax here? and

Is my structure correct to do this?

On the Server.js file I have this general structure I am not sure if there is a trick with views to only reload the content part of a page:

app.get('/home', function(req, res) {

app.get('/navitem1', function(req, res) {

app.get('/navitem2', function(req, res) {

If you are trying to make sure your webpage doesn't reload while switch tabs and you're webpage isn't that big. I would recommend containing all your information within one .html file, have each "page" contained by a div with a targetable id, then simply hide/show the content that is selected. You might want to check out page.js and jquery they make this process much easier.

This is a quick demo of how to implement this:

note: you will need to npm init and npm i page


  <div id="title-area">
   <h1>--your title--</h1>
     <li><a href="/">Home</a></li>
     <li><a href="/anotherpage">Another Page</a></li>
  <div id="home">
   --home content--
  <div id="another-page">
   --other page content--
  <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
  <script src="vendors/scripts/page.js"></script>
  <script src="scripts/controllers/routes.js"></script>


sorry about globally scoped the IFFE functions, this is copy pasted.

'use strict';
const homeController = {};
homeController.init = function(){
module.homeController = homeController;

const anotherpageController = {};
anotherpageController.init = function(){
module.anotherpageController = anotherpageController;

page('/', homeController.init);
page('/anotherpage', anotherpageController.init);


if you'd like a better demo you can check out the app I built (where most of this content was ripped) https://github.com/loganabsher/portfolio-2.0

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