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Can Flink be used with Kotlin?

I have a project where I need to stream data in real time. I've written the instream data to a kafka topic. Now I need to read this data and process it. For this, I plan to use Flink.
My dilemma is that I do not know either Java, Scala or Kotlin. I would have to learn one of them to use Flink and since Kotlin is the latest of the lot, I thought I should learn that, but is it actually compatible with Flink?
I am completely new to any sort of data streaming so please pardon any mistakes in my question and definitely correct me if I am wrong.

The short answer is that you can use any JVM language to interact with Flink: java, kotlin, scala (and probably even something like groovy).

That said, you would probably have some issues finding answers to questions. Flink officially supports scala and java so I would start with either of those two.

Lastly, kotlin being the latest has nothing to do with how good it is. People are using all three successfully. This is mostly a matter of preference (unless you have some special use case).

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