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Send a mail to guest of an event

I want to send a evaluation to a meeting guest at the end of the meeting.

I am trying to extract real participants (ones who answer yes to the invitation) using getGuestStatus()

for (var j=0; j<listeParticipants.length;j++) {
  var assiste = listeParticipants[j].getGuestStatus();
  if ( assiste = "YES"){ 
    mailsParti = mailsParti.concat(listeParticipants[j].getEmail()+";");

I don't understand why "assiste" variable stays with the value "YES" even when getGuestStatus return "NO"

As a result all participants are added to mailsParti string.

Thank you for helping (I really feel I'am missing something simple)

if ( assiste = "YES") = is an assigment. == is a comparison.

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