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Grails, Update Page after deselecting <g:field>

I have ag:field that when pressing enter or deselect it the page needs to refresh it self because i have a value that is calculated by value in the g:field

<g:field type="text" name="amount" pattern="[1-9]*" maxlength="2" value="${Buyer?.amount}"/>

I tired with, but it does not work for some reason

$("#amount").change(function() {
    $("#" + divId).load("/ordering" + "?amount=" + document.getElementById('amount').value)
$("#amount").keydown(function (event) {
    if (event.keyCode === 13) {
        $("#" + divId).load("/ordering" + "?amount=" + document.getElementById('amount').value)

I simplified your code a little to provide a complete working example, the following works for me with little changes to your original post.


<!doctype html>
    <meta name="layout" content="main"/>
            var amt = $( '#amount' );
            $( amt ).keydown(function (event) {
                if (event.keyCode === 13) {
                    $( "#myDiv" ).load("/ordering" + "?amount=" + amt.val() )

            $( amt ).change(function() {
                $("#myDiv").load("/ordering" + "?amount=" + amt.val() )
    <g:field type="text" name="amount" pattern="[1-9]*" maxlength="2" value="${params.amount}"/>
    <div id="myDiv"></div>


def ordering() {
    render( "Amount is ${params.amount}" )

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