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Fetching Logged in User Info for display

I am using https://github.com/kataras/iris Go web framework. I have:

  1. User Registered
  2. User Verified & Logged in
  3. Session created and set with key username with user (table & struct) username

Now, here is my code for logged in user:

// Loaded All DB and other required value above

allRoutes := app.Party("/", logThisMiddleware, authCheck) {
    allRoutes.Get("/", func(ctx context.Context) {

In authcheck middleware

func authcheck(ctx context.Context) {
    // Loaded session.
    // Fetched Session key "isLoggedIn"
    // If isLoggedIn == "no" or "" (empty)
    // Redirected to login page
    // else

My Session function

func connectSess() *sessions.Sessions {
    // Creating Gorilla SecureCookie Session
    // returning session

Now, my problem is, how do I share Logged User value to all routes in template. My Current option is:

// Loaded all DB and required value
allRoutes := app.Party("/", logThisMiddleware, authCheck) {

    allRoutes.Get("/", func(ctx context.Context) {
        // Load Session again
        // Fetch username stored in session
        // Run Query against DB
        // Share the user struct value.
        // Example ctx.ViewData("user", user)

    allRoutes.Get("dashboard", func(ctx context.Context) {
        // Load Session again
        // Fetch username stored in session
        // Run Query against DB
        // Share the user struct value.
        // Example ctx.ViewData("user", user)

But problem with above code is, I will have to write session for each route and run query again for each route I run and than share.

I feel, there must be better way of doing it , rather than loading session twice for each route one in authCheck middleware and second inside allRoutes.Get route.

I need ideas on how this can be optimised and user data can be shared to template by just writing code one time and not repeating below for each route

        // Load Session again
        // Fetch username stored in session
        // Run Query against DB
        // Share the user struct value.
        // Example ctx.ViewData("user", user)

it's easy you can use the ctx.Values().Set/Get to make something shareable between your route's handlers or middleware(s).

// load session manager once
sess := connectSess()

func authCheck(ctx context.Context) {
    session := sess.Start(ctx)
    // Load your user here.
    // [...]
    // Save the returning user to the local storage of this handlers chain, once. 
    ctx.Values().Set("user", user) // <-- IMPORTANT

app.Get("/", func(ctx context.Context) {
    // Get the user from our handlers chain's local storage.
    user := ctx.Values().Get("user") // <-- IMPORTANT

    // Bind the "{{.user}}" to the user instance.
    ctx.ViewData("user", user)
    // Render the template file.

app.Get("dashboard", func(ctx context.Context) {
    // The same, get the user from the local storage...
    user := ctx.Values().Get("user") // <-- IMPORTANT

    ctx.ViewData("user", user)

That's all, pretty simple, right?

But I have some notes for you , read them if you have more time.

When you're on root "/" you don't have to create a party for it( .Party ) in order to add middlewares (begin( Use ) or finish( Done )), use just the iris.Application instance, app.Use/Done .

Don't write this:

allRoutes := app.Party("/", logThisMiddleware, authCheck) {

    allRoutes.Get("/", myHandler)

Do that instead:

app.Use(logThisMiddleware, authCheck)
app.Get("/", myHandler)

It's easier to read and understand .

I've also noticed that you're using ; at the end of your functions, your editor and gocode tool will remove those, when you write a program using the Go Programming Language you shouldn't do that, remove all ; .

Last, please read the documentation and the examples, we have many of them at https://github.com/kataras/iris/tree/master/_examples , hopes you the best!

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