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Why I am not able to attach onBlur to component created in react?

I am learning react.js

I created an example where there is a textarea, If I enter comma seperated names in that textarea, I show a listing those names below the textarea.

the working example is as follows, click here

The code is as follows

        <title>React Template</title>
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://www.w3schools.com/w3css/4/w3.css">     
        <style type="text/css">
                width : 50%;
        <!-- Body Content -->
            <div id="mainContent"></div>
        <!-- Body Content -->

        <!-- The core React library -->
        <script src="/node_modules/react/dist/react.min.js"></script>
        <!-- The ReactDOM Library -->
        <script src="/node_modules/react-dom/dist/react-dom.min.js"></script>

        <script type="text/javaScript">
                'use strict'
                // custom javaScript content

                var DataFeedComponent = React.createClass({
                    propTypes : {
                        "defaultValue" : React.PropTypes.string.isRequired
                    getDefaultProps : function(){
                        return {
                            "content" : ""
                    getInitialState : function(){
                        return {
                            "content" : this.props.defaultValue
                    doRenderingUI : function(evt){                                              
                            content : evt.target.value
                    render : function(){
                        var TextAreaElement = React.createElement("textarea",{
                            "className" : "mywidth",
                            "value" : this.state.content,
                            "onChange" : this.doRenderingUI

                        var listElementArray = [];

                        var someContent = this.state.content.split(",");

                        for(var x = 0; x < someContent.length; x++){

                            if(someContent[x] !== undefined && someContent[x] !== null && someContent[x] !== ""){

                        } // end of for

                        var orderedListingElement =  React.createElement("ol",null,listElementArray);

                        var DivElement = React.createElement("div",null,TextAreaElement,orderedListingElement);
                        return DivElement;

                var elementObject = React.createElement(DataFeedComponent,{ "defaultValue" : "Victor,Nick" });


So my problem is

on event 'onChange' my example works fine,

render : function(){
                        var TextAreaElement = React.createElement("textarea",{
                            "className" : "mywidth",
                            "value" : this.state.content,
                            "onChange" : this.doRenderingUI

ie on entering the text in textarea I am able to see the listing below the textarea.


if I change to onBlur, it doesn't work. why ?

You have your component's value set as a derivative of your this.state.content . This is what is called a controlled component , in order to change what appears in the field, you must change the React state every time something happens (ie when a button is pressed).

onBlur is not activated when the input changes, it's activated when you deselect the element. Hence your app never has a chance to actually change the input.

Your component is a controlled component, since you have set value to your Textarea .

Everytime you type, onChange gets called, which in turn updates the state and that inturn updates the value in textarea. When you change to onBlur , your state is never set, and so when you type the value is not changing.

Simplest solution would be to change value to defaultValue , since i guess you want to pass initial value to your Textarea and that would look something like below

 var TextAreaElement = React.createElement("textarea",{
                        "className" : "mywidth",
                        "defaultValue" : this.state.content,
                        "onBlur" : this.doRenderingUI

But if you want the component to be still controlled, then you need to pass both onChange and onBlur and handle it appropriately.

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