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Export to Excel only selected rows in magento panel admin

I have a question. How to export only selected lines in grid to CSV or Excel file?

public function exportCsvAction()
    $fileName = 'Summary_employe_export.csv';
    $content = $this->getLayout()->createBlock('monogo_harvest/adminhtml_summaryEmployee_edit_dayHarvest')->getCsv();
    $this->_prepareDownloadResponse($fileName, $content);

public function exportExcelAction()
    $fileName = 'Summary_Employe_export.xls';
    $content = $this->getLayout()->createBlock('monogo_harvest/adminhtml_summaryEmployee_edit_dayHarvest')->getExcelFile();
    $this->_prepareDownloadResponse($fileName, $content);



Create a function getCsv() like bellow

public function getCsv()
    $shipmentIds = $this->getRequest()->getParam('internal_shipment_ids'); // Parameter will be like internal_'checkboxName'
    $csv = '';
    $this->_isExport = true;
        $shipmentIds = explode(',' , $shipmentIds);
        $this->getCollection()->addAttributeToFilter('main_table.entity_id', array('in' => $shipmentIds))->getSelect()->limit();

    $data = array();
    foreach ($this->_columns as $column) {
        if (!$column->getIsSystem()) {
            $data[] = '"'.$column->getExportHeader().'"';
    $csv.= implode(',', $data)."\n";

    foreach ($this->getCollection() as $item) {
        $data = array();
        foreach ($this->_columns as $column) {
            if (!$column->getIsSystem()) {
                $data[] = '"' . str_replace(array('"', '\\'), array('""', '\\\\'),
                        $column->getRowFieldExport($item)) . '"';
        $csv.= implode(',', $data)."\n";

    if ($this->getCountTotals())
        $data = array();
        foreach ($this->_columns as $column) {
            if (!$column->getIsSystem()) {
                $data[] = '"' . str_replace(array('"', '\\'), array('""', '\\\\'),
                        $column->getRowFieldExport($this->getTotals())) . '"';
        $csv.= implode(',', $data)."\n";

    return $csv;

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