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WHM Unable to Change Wordpress Max Upload Size

I have several Wordpress installs in a WHM Environment. My WHM PHP(5.6) max upload size is set to 100MB & PHP max POST size 150MB. I also check MultiPHP INI Editor and the max upload size is the same. But for some reason all my Wordpress installs have a max upload size of 8MB. I cannot get it to change.

I've tried the following:

  • Added php.ini file, but does not help/change
  • Added php code to the .htaccess, but it causes a Internal Server Error
  • Added php code to the theme's function.php, but it causes a Internal Sever Error
  • Spoke with HostGator customer server for a couple hours and they were not able to help.

Any ideas?

Hi Try to add these lines in your theme functions.php

@ini_set( 'upload_max_size' , '64M' );
@ini_set( 'post_max_size', '64M');

Or verify your php.ini files and change these values

upload_max_filesize = 64M
post_max_size = 64M

Or add this in your .htaccess files

php_value upload_max_filesize 64M
php_value post_max_size 64M

You should restart your apache server after changing the php.ini file to take effect on your hosting.

If you are using Wordpress multisites you can have a restriction from Wordpress itself you find it under Settings -> Network settings -> Maximum file size

If you don't want coding, directly increase max upload size through this free plugin https://ziscom.today/max-upload-size/

After installation go to WordPress menu 'Max Upload Size' * Only enter the numeric value in bytes * 1024 bytes = 1KB * 1048576 bytes = 1MB

It worked for me. Hope it help for you.

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