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Pasting together all combinations of a column from one data.frame with all combinations of a column of another data.frame based on a condition

I am in need of some wisdom!

I have two data frames, like:

test1 <- data.frame( let = replicate( 100, paste(sample(LETTERS[1:12] , 3 ) , collapse ="")  ) , num  = sample( 1:500 , 100 , replace = FALSE ))
test2 <- data.frame( let = replicate( 100, paste(sample(LETTERS[13:26] , 4 ) , collapse ="")  ) , num  = sample( 1:500 , 100 , replace = FALSE ))

head( test1 )
#   let num
# 1 KDA 430
# 2 IHB  41
# 3 GAB 473
# 4 HKJ 335
# 5 LCK 261
# 6 EIK 500

head( test2 )
#   let num
# 1 ZUYW 153
# 2 PRNW 263
# 3 OTQS 355
# 4 NYRW  87
# 5 ZYST 365
# 6 TXRN 287

Now, I want to paste all combinations of strings from test1 (ie test1$let) with all combinations of strings from test2, but only when difference test1$num and test2$num is <= 100.

One way to do this is:

test.merg <- NULL
i <- 1; j <- 1
for(i in 1:dim(test1)[1] ) {
  for( j in 1:dim(test2)[1]  ) { 
    if( abs( test1[i,]$num - test2[j,]$num ) <= 100  ){
      test.merg <- c(test.merg ,paste( test1[i,]$let , test2[j,]$let , sep="."   ) )
    j <- j+ 1
  i <- i+ 1

This works fine, but of course my actual dataset is different and huge, and it takes a long time to do this. I am sure that there must be a more efficient way of doing this. Tried using the apply family functions, but the only way I could think of using them is:

test1.1 <- paste( test1$let , test1$num ,sep = "_")
test2.1 <- paste( test2$let , test2$num ,sep = "_")

test.merg.1 <- unlist(lapply( test1.1 , FUN = function(x) {lapply( 
  test2.1 , FUN = function(y) {
    if( abs( as.numeric( str_split_fixed( x , "_" , 2 )[,2] )  - as.numeric( str_split_fixed( y , "_" , 2 )[,2]) ) <= 100){ 
      paste( str_split_fixed(x , "_" , 2 )[,1] , str_split_fixed(y , "_" , 2 )[,1], sep = ".")


This already reduces the time taken by quite a lot, to almost 1/4th , but it would be great if it can be made more efficient. Not to mention, if there is a completely different and better way of doing this then it will be fantastic.

Thank you!

something like this ?

Note: if your dataset is really "huge" as you say, your computer will not like that, but if you want every possible combination I don't see any other way.

res <- merge(test1 %>% rename_all(paste0,1),
             test2 %>% rename_all(paste0,2)) %>%
  filter(abs(num1-num2) <= 100) %>%
  mutate(str = paste(let1,let2,sep="_"))
#    let1 num1 let2 num2      str
# 1  DJE   82 VNQU  181 DJE_VNQU
# 2  JLE  238 VNQU  181 JLE_VNQU
# 3  EGI  220 VNQU  181 EGI_VNQU
# 4  KED  130 VNQU  181 KED_VNQU
# 5  CJF   81 VNQU  181 CJF_VNQU
# 6  KCH  235 VNQU  181 KCH_VNQU
# ...


A combination of outer statements work here

outer(test1$let, test2$let, "paste", sep=".")[abs(outer(test1$num, test2$num, "-")) <= 100]


Reproducible data

test1 <- data.frame( let = replicate( 100, paste(sample(LETTERS[1:12] , 3 ) , collapse ="")  ) , num  = sample( 1:500 , 100 , replace = FALSE ))
test2 <- data.frame( let = replicate( 100, paste(sample(LETTERS[13:26] , 4 ) , collapse ="")  ) , num  = sample( 1:500 , 100 , replace = FALSE ))


OP <- function() {
test.merg <- NULL
i <- 1; j <- 1
for(i in 1:dim(test1)[1] ) {
  for( j in 1:dim(test2)[1]  ) { 
    if( abs( test1[i,]$num - test2[j,]$num ) <= 100  ){
      test.merg <- c(test.merg ,paste( test1[i,]$let , test2[j,]$let , sep="."   ) )
    j <- j+ 1
  i <- i+ 1

myfun <- function() {
outer(test1$let, test2$let, "paste", sep=".")[abs(outer(test1$num, test2$num, "-")) <= 100]

microbenchmark(OP(), myfun(), times=10L)

Unit: milliseconds
    expr       min          lq        mean      median          uq        max neval
    OP() 4877.0017 4928.447303 5014.859718 5017.653519 5056.110679 5236.55990    10
 myfun()    5.8398    5.951762    8.501438    6.709145    7.842536   25.16273    10

It's almost 500x faster

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