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Wrong time while getting from full date

I am working on sample react-native app. I am using moment.js to convert time to AM and PM representations. My data is:


When converting the start_date and end_date to 12 hour clock format (AM/PM) using moment().format('LT'), I get the wrong time ie 11:59 PM for start_date - 12:59 AM for end_date .

How do I get the right time and format?

The comments are correct, since you are passing 2017-09-29T18:29:59.000Z it will turn to 11:59pm under your locale.

But LT as a format will really just return the time. Try using MM-DD-YYYY hh:mm:ss a for the format string.

You can check more here at the moment docs

I also made fiddle for you to play around with.

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