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Angular 4 - router.url unit testing

How do I mock router.url in angular 4 unit testing?

I use router.url in ngOnint in my component but in my test the value for router.url is '/'

In Angular v9 Router.url is a readonly getter property. You can force the private property value to set the url property:

    const mockUrlTree = router.parseUrl('/heroes/captain-marvel');
    // @ts-ignore: force this private property value for testing.
    router.currentUrlTree = mockUrlTree;

you could use jasmine spyObj. In you TestBed :

 provide: Router,
 usevalue: jasmine.createSpyObj('Router',['methodOne','methodTwo]),

in beforeEach:

router = fixture.debugElement.injector.get(Router);

in the test:

it('should...', ()=> {
 (router.methodOne as Spy).and.returnValue(whateverValue)// if you wanna mock the response

This sounds like a solution jasmine angular 4 unit test router.url

const router = TestBed.get(Router);
router.url = '/path/to/anything';
// now you can run your tested method:

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