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GitLab Docker Registry Push Failed - Access Denied

I'm having trouble pushing to GitLab Container Registry .

I can login successfully using my username and a personal access token but when I try to push the image to the registry, I get the following error:

$ docker push registry.gitlab.com/[groupname]/dockerfiles/nodemon

The push refers to a repository 
15d2ea6e1aeb: Preparing 
2260f979a949: Preparing 
f8e848bb8c20: Preparing 
740a5345706a: Preparing 
5bef08742407: Preparing 
denied: requested access to the resource is denied

I assume the issue is not with authentication because when I run a docker login registry.gitlab.com , I get a Login Succeeded message.

Where is the problem?
How should I push my images to GitLab Container Registry?

I got it working by including api scope to my personal access token.

The docs states The minimal scope needed is read_registry . But that probably applies for read only access.

Reference: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/support-forum/issues/2370#note_44796408

Had a similar issue, it was because of the url that was used for tagging and pushing the repo.

It should be

docker push registry.gitlab.com/[account or group-name]/[reponame]/imagename

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