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Google analytics with rails 5 not working

I am trying to implement Google analytics with rails 5. Since i wanted to keep my turbolinks, i am following http://railsapps.github.io/rails-google-analytics.html this method. Added app/assets/javascripts/google_analytics.js.coffee:

class @GoogleAnalytics

  @load: ->
    # Google Analytics depends on a global _gaq array. window is the global 
    window._gaq = []
    window._gaq.push ["_setAccount", GoogleAnalytics.analyticsId()]

    # Create a script element and insert it in the DOM
    ga = document.createElement("script")
    ga.type = "text/javascript"
    ga.async = true
    ga.src = ((if "https:" is document.location.protocol then 
    "https://ssl" else "http://www")) + ".google-analytics.com/ga.js"
    firstScript = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]
    firstScript.parentNode.insertBefore ga, firstScript

    # If Turbolinks is supported, set up a callback to track pageviews 
     on page:change.
    # If it isn't supported, just track the pageview now.
    if typeof Turbolinks isnt 'undefined' and Turbolinks.supported
      document.addEventListener "page:change", (->
      ), true

  @trackPageview: (url) ->
  unless GoogleAnalytics.isLocalRequest()
    if url
      window._gaq.push ["_trackPageview", url]
      window._gaq.push ["_trackPageview"]
      window._gaq.push ["_trackPageLoadTime"]

  @isLocalRequest: ->
    GoogleAnalytics.documentDomainIncludes "local"

  @documentDomainIncludes: (str) ->
    document.domain.indexOf(str) isnt -1

  @analyticsId: ->
    # your google analytics ID(s) here...


This doesnt work. I tried to debug it using Google analytics debugger.but its only showing

_gaq.push processing "_setAccount" for args: "[UA-XXXXXXX-XX]": 

this in the console. When i tried calling directly


I am getting data in my analytics account. But throwing this

Method _trackPageLoadTime is deprecated. _trackPageLoadTime is deprecated. Site Speed tracking is enabled by default with trackPageview call at 1% sampling. Use _setSiteSpeedSampleRate for changing sample rate.

error in my console. What is the issue? Please help.

The article you are referring to is quite old (in Rails Land). Did you try



In application.html.erb:

    <script type="text/javascript">
      (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),
      ga('create', 'UA-XXXXXXXX-X', 'auto');
  <% end %>

Put this file into your assets/javascripts/ folder and assure it gets loaded by checking or editing your assets/javascripts/application.js file as appropriate

document.addEventListener 'turbolinks:load', (event) ->
  if typeof ga is 'function'
    ga('set', 'location', event.data.url)
    ga('send', 'pageview')

I tried the following on Rails 6 with Turbolinks and Webpacker and it works, I hope it helps someone.

Add this to the layout file's head:

<script async src="https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js?id=YY-XXXXXXXXX-Z"></script>
  window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
  function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
  gtag('js', new Date());

And then add this to your application.js file:

$(document).on("turbolinks:load", function() {
  gtag('config', 'YY-XXXXXXXXX-Z', {'page_location': event.data.url});

Replace YY-XXXXXXXXX-Z with your own tag and you are done.

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