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XQuery template in MarkLogic doesn't show any values, only attributes (TDE)

I've created a .xml-file and a template to extract some data, but only the attributes show up.

This is my .xml-testfile:

<user id="1234" email="test.user@live.com" password="1234">
    <note reference="5432" id="753" xmlns="http://testnamespace.de/note">
        <username>John Doe</username>
            <group id="42">Avengers</group>
            <group id="55">JLA</group>
        <personNameInverted>Doe John</personNameInverted>

and here the corresponding template:

import module namespace tde = "http://marklogic.com/xdmp/tde" at "/MarkLogic/tde.xqy";
declare namespace testns = "http://testnamespace.de/note";

let $userNoteTDE:=
<template xmlns="http://marklogic.com/xdmp/tde" xmlns:testns="http://testnamespace.de/note">

I changed the context to use the correct (?) path and the namespace (because this part should be nested into another template):


If I check the template with tde:node-data-extract(fn:doc ( TESTFILE PATH ), $userNoteTDE) I get the following output:

    "row": {
     "schema": "user", 
     "view": "notes", 
     "data": {
      "rownum": "1", 
      "reference": "5432", 
      "id": "753", 
      "text": "", 
      "username": "", 
      "distinctiveTitle": "", 
      "personNameInverted": ""

This shows, that the attributes are displayed correctly, but somehow the values (text, username, distinctiveTitle, personNameInverted) of the elements do not work. My guess is, that the values need a more refined path or expression, but I can't find any information. If I change the text value for example to <val>testns:text</val> in my template, I get the error: XDMP-UNBPRFX: (err:XPST0081) Prefix testns has no namespace binding

So somehow the elements can't use the declared namespace, but the attributes can.

Also I skipped the <groups> section in my template, because they would need a context on their own, that shouldn't matter, should it?

Thanks in advance for any helpful insight!

The MarkLogic Support gave me the answer for this problem, so I want to share it here!

(Thanks Chris Hamlin!)

It was indeed a namespace problem. The MarkLogic Documentation shows that for multiple namespaces "path-namespaces" should be used.

After declaring




between template and context , and using the testns prefix on my elements like testns:text , the elements are being correctly displayed!

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