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Swift Apple Mach-O linker error

I converted my project from swift 3 to swift 4 and am using the latest version of xcode 9. On building, I get the following error :

Undefined symbols for architecture arm64: "__T0So22AVCapturePhotoSettingsC12AVFoundation01_abC16SwiftNativeTypesACWP", referenced from: __T06SpotMi8CameraVCC12capturePhotoyypF in CameraVC.o "__T012AVFoundation39_AVCapturePhotoSettingsSwiftNativeTypesPAAE016availablePreviewc11PixelFormatG0SaySo8NSNumberCGfg", referenced from: __T06SpotMi8CameraVCC12capturePhotoyypF in CameraVC.o ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64 I am out of clues. Any help will be much appreciated.


There is a bug in XCode9. Apple inadvertendly made some functions in AVFoundation private.


Change availablePreviewPhotoPixelFormatTypes to __availablePreviewPhotoPixelFormatTypes in your source.

Same goes for the following:

supportedColorSpaces -> __supportedColorSpaces

supportedFlashModes -> __supportedFlashModes

availableRawPhotoPixelFormatTypes -> __availableRawPhotoPixelFormatTypes

availablePhotoPixelFormatTypes -> __availablePhotoPixelFormatTypes

Then it might compile! Good Luck!

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