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Accessing this.props function in react ComponentDidMount

I am trying to access parent function (passed as property to child) in child's componentDidMount() but it is showing as undefined.

constructor(props) {
    this.actionis = this.props.actionis.bind(this);

    this.actionis(selectednow, 'disabled');

EDIT: Parent Constructor:

constructor(props) {
        var abc = "";
        this.handlerHeading = this.handlerHeading.bind(this)
        this.handlerHeadingRemove = this.handlerHeadingRemove.bind(this)

Parent Render():

<Mappingcomp actionis={this.handlerHeading} />

handlerHeading Function:

handlerHeading(index, disabled) {

Error Is:

this.actionis is not a function

But i can access it in render() function and not in componentDidMount() .

You don't need to bind a prop callback function.

Just do

    // don't forget to define selectednow
    this.props.actionis(selectednow, 'disabled');

You just need to bind the returned arguments in the parent with the function like

<Mappingcomp actionis={(index, disabled) => this.handlerHeading(index, disabled)} />

and then in the child use

constructor(props) {

    this.props.actionis(selectednow, 'disabled');

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