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Using Router Parameters in URLs with Angular 4 Router

How to use trying to use these kind of URLs with prefix/foo-bar-1123 , prefix/foo-bar-1123/bazquux-123 with Angular 4 Router? The important bits are the numerical id's which I am trying to capture.

I have tried this, but the result is that I get a all data between // characted captured to single variable called categorySlug-:categoryId and subcategorySlug-:subcategoryId .

const routes = [{
  path: 'prefix/:categorySlug-:categoryId',
  component: MyComponent,
}, {
  path: 'prefix/:categorySlug-:categoryId/:subcategorySlug-:subcategoryId',
  component: MyComponent,

export const MyRoute: ModuleWithProviders = RouterModule.forChild(routes)

Ultimately I'd like to end up with these kind of variables:


Is this something that the Router supports? Is is possible to extend Router to support these?

Create a custom UrlMatcher which can be used to implement matching and fetch id's from URL. This works at least in Angular 4.4.3.

const categoryUrlMatcher = (url: UrlSegment[], group: UrlSegmentGroup, route: Route): UrlMatchResult => {
  if (url.length != 2) {
    return null
  if (url[0].path !== 'prefix') {
    return null
  const categoryMatch = url[1].path.match(/(\w+)-(\d+)$/)
  if (categoryMatch) {
    return {
      consumed: url,
      posParams: {
        categorySlug: new UrlSegment(categoryMatch[1], {}),
        categoryId: new UrlSegment(categoryMatch[2], {})
  return null

const routes: Routes = [
    matcher: categoryUrlMatcher,
    component: MyComponent,

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