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Best Practice for multiple AJAX requests in React?

I'm working on a personal project using React, in which I want to render a handful of components, each presenting data from different cities using Yahoo's weather API.

Initially, I was mapping over an array containing the cities I want data for, sending each city down to a component that makes the AJAX request, the result being 5-6 different components that each made their own call. That works fine if I just want to render current conditions or the high and low for several different cities.

But I would like to use React Router to give users the ability to click a city, causing a re-render that shows details and a 10-day forecast for that city only . The problem I'm running into is the current structure of the project. Because I'm mapping over the array of cities in the parent so I can pass that into the API URL, I'm stuck rendering all of the forecast components.

What would be a better way to structure the project and make the AJAX request so that one view is the several weather components and the other is the single detail view and 10-day forecast for that city?

class App extends Component {

   { city: "chattanooga", state: "tn"},
   { city: "easton", state: "md"},
   { city: "new york", state: "ny"},
   { city: "norfolk", state: "va"},
   { city: "milford", state: "de"},
   { city: "bangkok", state: null}

 render() {
   return (
     <div className="weather-container">
         this.PLACES.map( (place, id) => {
           return <Weather key={place.city} id={id} city={place.city} 
                  state={place.state} />

export default App

So that's the parent component mapping over the PLACES array to render the 6 <Weather /> components. And then in the <Weather /> component I'm making my AJAX request in componentDidMount()

componentDidMount() {
    .then(res => {
      let data = res.data.query.results.channel;
      this.setState({ data : data });
    .catch( (error) => {

Thanks for any direction!

Inside your Weather component, you should have a <Link> to a new component and the route would look like weather/:location . The :location notation means that you can accept anything here, like chattanooga . If you need to pass both city and state, just do weather/:city/:state This route will accept your params and you can then use those to re-call the API for the specific city you want to see and its 10-day forecast inside of your new component.

You can access the param inside of your new component by calling this.props.match.params.location or this.props.match.params.city , etc.

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