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How to globally access properties of an image loaded in with JavaScript

So I have loaded in an image and can access the properties within this function locally such as ball.height and width, but I need to use these properties in other functions to do calculations with. How would I access these properties since they are only locally defined currently. I can't set it as global (or at least don't know how) since in order to get the image in the first place I have to load it in with the function.

function drawBall() {
  var ball = new Image();
  $(ball).on('load', function() {
    ctx.drawImage(ball, xBall, yBall);
  ball.src = 'ball.png';

function ballHit() {
  // For example calculate if ball.height = canvas.height

Since the image load is a asynchronous task, you can use a callback:

function drawBall(callback) {
    var ball = new Image();
    $(ball).on('load', function() {
        ctx.drawImage(ball, xBall, yBall);
    ball.src = 'ball.png';


Create a global variable globalBall and once the image is loaded you can assign the image from the function to the global object.

var globalBall = new Image();
function drawBall() {
    var ball = new Image();
    $(ball).on('load', function() {
        ctx.drawImage(ball, xBall, yBall);
    ball.src = 'ball.png';

    globalBall = ball;

function ballHit() {
     if(globalball.height == canvas.height)
          // Do your stuff

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