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Can't access the subscribe() value out side the method in angular2

unable to use subscribe value out side the subscribe() method. Please help how to access the myData out side the method.

ngOnInit() {

this.subscription = this.messageService.getMessage().subscribe(function(data){
    this.myData = data;
    console.log(this.myData ); // able to print the data

    console.log(this.myData ); // undefined is printing
    this.sampleData = {id: 1080, code: "123"};    


{{myData}} -- [not printing the object] // unable to access inside subscribe method data
{{sampleData}}  -- [Printing the object data]  // able to access out side subscribe method data

            <td><input type="text" maxlength="5" tabindex="1" name="locationCode" [(ngModel)] = myData.location ></td>

            <td><input type="text" name="txtName" maxlength="10" tabindex="2" [(ngModel)]=myData.name ></td>

The data you subscribe is brought in a asynchronous manner , and the console.log is printed in a synchronous manner.

You need to get the data i:e myData inside the subscribe and do all the processing there .

this.subscription = this.messageService.getMessage().subscribe(function(data){
    this.myData = data;
    ...//do all the processing here


[(ngModel)] = "myData.location"而不是[(ngModel)] = myData.location

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