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Polymorphic relation on eloquent event

I have 2 classes, Coordinate and Hunt

class Coordinate extends Model {

    public function locatable(){
        return $this->morphTo();


class Hunt extends Model {
    public function coordinate() {
        return $this->morphOne('App\Coordinate', 'locatable');

Then I create a new instance of the models using

$cord = new Coordinate;
$hunt = new Hunt;


Now I listen to the saved event of the Hunt

class HuntSaved {
    use Dispatchable, InteractsWithSockets, SerializesModels;

    public $hunt;

    public function __construct(Hunt $hunt) {
        $this->hunt = $hunt;


The strange thing is that the dd here returns null .
I cannot save the Coordinate first due too its locatable_type and locatable_id which are not null in the database.

My question is, how can I handle the saved event using native eloquent events and get the related model.



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